Technology at Easter

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Technology at Easter

Today, José Benitez, CEO of Secmotic, will attend the Technical Conference on ICT and Social Networks in the management of large local events. Specifically, technology at Easter and its application in Seville, with the collaboration of the General Council of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Seville.

After the incidents of Holy Week in 2017, the Seville authorities presented a report with a series of techniques, so that this bitter event did not happen again.

In this report, the following ideas were launched:

Put up plastic fences to avoid noise,

Public address system to communicate messages to citizens in case of emergency,

Installation of 101 cameras, of which 18 are "gauging cameras", along the main streets and crossing points of brotherhoods.

Technical, technology and social networks event

This event will begin with the detection of mass movement, using Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Explained by experts from the University of Seville and the technological institute of the Seville city council.

It will continue with artificial vision applied to mass biodynamics, applied to the case of Holy Week in Seville, as a Smart City scenario, with experts from the sector, the Local Police of Seville and the delegation of security, mobility and major festivals.

It will continue with the presentation of an anti-panic lighting system. Its application in crisis situations will be explained, followed by the perception of safety and noise. Together with the collaboration of the Spanish Lighting Committee, the General Council of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods, and the public health emergency company, among others.

This event will have two workshops. The first directed by police officers, emergency operations and private security. The second workshop will explain how to use the different security and emergency management devices.

Finally, José Benitez will speak in a round table explaining how Secmotic would act in crisis or emergency situations in the case of Holy Week in Seville.

Technology at Easter will give us more security

According to Juan Carlos Cabrera, delegate of Security, Mobility and Major Festivities of the Seville City Council: «The application of new technologies, and the professional use of social networks in events, has been one of the keys to the new work paradigm ».

In addition Francisco Vélez, president of the Council of Brotherhoods, clarifies that: "The Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Seville perceive more security, thanks to the application of new tools and information and coordination in social networks with Emergencias Sevilla".

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