Information Technologies

Information Technologies I (Engineering in Administration)


I give you the warmest welcome to the Information Technologies I course, for students of Engineering in Administration of the Technological Institute of Nuevo Laredo, my name is Hugo Gilberto García Guerra, I am a professor in the Department of Administrative Economic Sciences and from now on we will be together sharing this Teaching-Learning Process that will be of great benefit in the professional training of all of you. This space aims to consolidate itself as an interactive bridge between the students of the group and the teacher of the subject.

Within this space you can download the texts that we will study in class. In this way, participation is essential to complement the knowledge seen in class through the new information technologies. To be successful, they should read the material already selected and established, but above all try to read and understand in these documents the various facets of them.

I urge you to make good use of the content in this teaching space and help us enrich it.

As a teacher, I appreciate compliance, I acknowledge every extraordinary effort my students make; but I am also an enemy of irresponsibility.

Regarding the Accreditation of the matter

I. The courses in careers in the school system are face-to-face (attendance greater than 85%, if it is less, they fail the unit or, where appropriate, the subject).

II. The passing grade scale for each unit and final is 70 to 100, lower than this is NA (Not credited)

III. The final grade is obtained from the arithmetic average of all the learning units as long as all the units are accredited and the total of practices have been delivered.

IV. The student will have the right to a regularization exam for each of the failed units, only if they have accredited at least 40% of the total units.

V. After the regularization exam, the student will have the right to an extraordinary exam for each of the non-accredited units, only if they have accredited at least 70% of the total units and are not a repeat student.

SAW. Copying in exams and homework is penalized with 0 (zero) of its assigned value. If a student is caught copying or consulting an "accordion" in quick or partial exams, they will be penalized with: 0 (zero out of one hundred) of the exam grade and if they are surprised in the final exam, they will be given 0 (zero out of one hundred) final grade in the matter. In both cases, a memorandum will be sent to the Headquarters of the Race and to the Department of School Control in order to file it in the file of the student or students involved.

Note: Due to previous experience, in subjects related to Computer Science, he usually fails between 20% and 30%, generally those who fail are absent and late students, who are usually those who participate little in practices and tasks.

All the exams will be practical on the computer (there are only two options DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DO WHAT YOU ARE ASKED TO OR DO NOT KNOW), many times the questions are random and each student has a different exam than their peers. _________________________________________________________


In this course, students are expected to attend all classes on time

1. Attendance will be taken in all classes.

2. By regulation to accredit the course, attendance of more than 85% is required (more than 2 absences in a month implies failing the unit and presenting it in leveling).

3. Only 10 minutes late are allowed, after which the door will close and attendance will be taken.

4. There are no “tardies” (attendance only or absence).

5. The delivery of tasks and projects must be done on the established day. LATE TASKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED.

6. Assignments are printed unless otherwise noted.

7. Cell phones must be turned off when entering class (failure to do so implies sanction).

8. The use of MP3s is not allowed in the class session (doing so implies sanction).

9. The projects will be carried out in teams of 2 or 3 people.


What the regulation says


Article 250. Sanctions will be applied considering the seriousness of the offense and at the discretion of the campus director or officials of the General Directorate of Technological Institutes.

Article 251. If the students incur the following offenses: The fraudulent procedure within the evaluations of any kind. The impersonation of person.

The following sanctions will be credited:

The exam will be collected and it will be considered canceled, reporting a non-passing grade. Private and / or public warning.

Annotation of the student's absence with notice to the parent or guardian.

Suspension of student rights for up to one week, with annotation in the student's file and notice to the parent or guardian.

Definitive suspension in the subject, keeping the student only the right to take a Special Exam, or to repeat the subject in the school period following the sanction, in the event that the subject is taken for the first time.

The above sanctions will be applied by the Directorate of the Technological Institute.


The official program of the subject is presented below, which includes the following information:

(same that will be discussed in the initial session)

*Course objective.

* Contribution of the course to the professional profile

* Relationship with previous subjects and topics of the course

* List of subjects and later topics of the course

* Course agenda

* Course learning units and their respective bibliography

* Didactic strategies to follow

 Career grid: Engineering in Administration

Subject matter: Information Technologies

Information Technology Didactic Instrumentation

School calendar

Information technology

Unit I.- Basic Concepts Information Technologies
1.1 Hardware.
1.1.1 Hardware Architectures.
1.1.2 Hardware Components.
1.1.3. Hardware Peripherals.
1.2 Information Systems.
1.2.1 General Systems Theory
1.2.2 Definition of Information Systems Information system concept Role of information systems in business
1.3 Application software
1.4 Introduction to Operating Systems
1.4.1 Types of operating systems
1.4.2 Examples of operating systems

Unit II.- Computer Tools
2.1 Introduction to Informatics and Office Automation
2.1.1 Word processors
2.1.2 Spreadsheets
2.1.3 Electronic filings
2.1.4 Database managers
2.1.5 Email clients
2.2 Fundamentals of Telecommunications
2.1.1 Media
2.1.2 Networks and Internet History Networks and Internet Network and Internet services and protocols
2.3 Multimedia

Unit III.- Office automation tools
3.1 Handling word processors
3.1.1 Insert and modify text
3.1.2 Create and modify paragraphs
3.1.3 Format documents
3.1.4 Manage documents
3.1.5 Working with graphics
3.1.6 Collaborate with a working group
3.2 Spreadsheet Management
3.2.1 Working with cells and data
3.2.2 Manage Spreadsheet workbooks
3.2.3 Format and print worksheets
3.2.4 Modify Spreadsheet workbooks
3.2.5 Create and review formulas
3.2.6 Create and modify charts
3.2.7 Collaborate with a working group
3.3 Handling electronic presentations
3.3.1 Create presentations
3.3.2 Insert and modify text
3.3.3 Inserting and modifying visual elements
3.3.4 Modify presentation formats
3.3.5 Printing presentations
3.3.6 Working with data from other sources
3.3.7 Manage and deliver presentations
3.3.8 Collaborate with a working group
3.4 Database management
3.4.1 Create and use a database
3.4.2 Create and modify tables
3.4.3 Create or modify requests
3.4.4 Create and modify forms
3.4.5 View and organize information
3.4.6 Define relationships
3.4.7 Create reports
3.4.8 Integrate Access with other applications
3.5 Handling email clients
3.5.1 Email Settings
3.5.2 Email Management

Unit IV.- Internet.
4.1 Internet services
4.1.1 Search engines
4.1.2 Email
4.1.3 Instant messaging
4.1.4 Blogs
4.1.5 Sending and downloading files
4.1.6 Web Page Design Methodology and Requirements Design of Web Pages Wizards or users Impact of web pages on advertising


UNAM Information Technologies in Organizations

UNAM Information and communication technologies in education


Throughout your learning process there are three concepts that you should always keep in mind: the diagnostic evaluation, the formative evaluation and the final evaluation.

DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION. It is applied to identify if you have or not, the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully study the contents of this subject, that is, it asks about the basic learning that you have and require for the beginning and development of it.

TRAINING EVALUATIONS. They are resolved at the end of your learning in each unit and are especially important for two reasons: a) they help you decide if you are ready to continue with the more complex content and b) they allow you to know precisely where in the process you have difficulties.

SUMMATIVE EVALUATION. It will allow you to accredit and reaffirm the learning acquired throughout the course to obtain a grade that corresponds to your level of knowledge and skills of the subject.

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