Technical service

Technical service

The technical service (in English service desk or also depending on your involvement, call center (call center), contact center (contact center) or help desk) is a fundamental capacity within IT Service Management (ITSM), according to defined in Information Technology Infrastructure Library). Its objective is to provide a "single point of contact" or SPOC (Single Point Of Contact), to meet the communication needs between IT and its customers, so that both meet their objectives. Many organizations have implemented a centralized service desk to manage incidents, doubts, queries, requests, etc. of users and customers (user refers to the end user of a service, while customer is the entity that is paying for the service).

The service desk therefore manages incidents (events that cause or may cause a loss in the quality of a service) and routine requests for new services, in addition to being the interface to users of other ITSM activities such as Configuration Management, Change Management , IT Service Continuity Management, etc.

In addition, it must proactively keep users informed of all relevant events with the service that could affect them. It differs from a Call Center or Help Desk in that it has a broader and more customer-centric scope, since it is responsible for facilitating the integration of business processes in the IT infrastructure.

Main objectives

Provide a single point of contact for clients.

Facilitate the restoration of normal operating levels (those agreed in the SLA) after alterations in the service.

Deliver high-quality support to achieve business goals.

Change support, generate reports, communicate and promote them.

ITSM activities

Configuration management: It refers to the quality control methods that are applied in the development of the Information Systems (IS) of the companies to verify their infrastructure model. It is a process that aims to provide accurate information to organizations to create databases where IT assets are specified (technological resources they have focused on the hardware and software of the company).

Change management: Corresponds to the adequate implementation of the changes that the infrastructure of the Information Systems of any company needs. Proper change management reduces incidents within it and allows the system to be updated quickly.

IT service continuity management: Part as a strategy to facilitate the implementation and management of the different adequate continuity procedures to ensure the performance of IT services.

How to measure the quality of a technical service?

To deliver a quality technical service it is necessary to have a qualified staff to solve the incidents that have been presented to the company's clients. Among the values ​​that the professional technical service team must have, it is important to highlight:

Empathy: Having empathy, respect and knowing how to listen to customers is the key to offering good service. Effective communication is the necessary tool for this type of support.

Reliability: Offering assistance that provides immediate and well-functioning solutions makes the client feel reliable in the company (reliable and timely service).

Knowledge of information: Offering effective solutions with data, facts, changes, etc., is essential to provide an excellent quality technical service.

Quick response: A quality technical service provides immediate solutions to its customers by offering information or managing communication channels with the appropriate support to solve the problem.

Solutions: The team presenting the technical support must understand the need of customers to provide valid solutions in a given time.

Means to offer technical service

The technical service is the effective channel that users have with companies to resolve doubts, incidents or problems that arise in products or services. The means of offering these services may vary depending on the situation.

In-person: This support is offered to users who need technical assistance to solve hardware and software problems in person.

Online: Technical assistance that is given through web portals, live chats, emails, etc.

Remote: Allows the servicing technician to safely access the customer's computer to troubleshoot basic software-related problems.

Telephone or video calls: Telephone support is the most traditional way to provide answers to direct questions from users.

Support videos: It is a channel that has become popular in recent years offering support through a company video. Generally gives step-by-step solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions on Websites: Almost all technology brands and service providers provide free access to a library of solutions or a frequently asked questions site hosted on the webpage. It is a technical service tool that is highly consulted by users.

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