Information and communication technologies (ICT)

 Information and communication technologies (ICT)

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are the result of putting information technology and telecommunications into interaction. Everything, in order to improve the processing, storage and transmission of information.

Achieving in this way to improve the level of our communications. Creating new forms of faster and higher quality communication. Improvements that reduce costs and time, applicable both to the business world and to life itself. Providing us with greater comfort and improving our quality of life while advocating for the environment.

What make up information and communication technologies?

Terminals, networks and services, therefore, can also be classified according to how they make one use or another of these elements.

In relation to the devices, much progress has been made. The computer has evolved since its inception and continues to do so at a dizzying pace. Like the peripheral devices that complement it, offering other possibilities.

Technology has not stalled in computers. He is surprising us by introducing new types of terminals in our lives or by improving their characteristics. What happened to that mobile phone whose only function was to call. Now they are much more sophisticated devices that have revolutionized communication. Video calling, free texting apps, social media, etc. are some examples.

As for the networks that allow devices to be interconnected, the cornerstone would be the internet. Its impact on society cannot be explained in a few lines, but it is what makes this world go round. ICTs have done hard work in the field of networks. Improving fixed telephony, mobile telephony, the internet itself, moving from the telephone connection to broadband, then to fiber optics and bringing the connection to mobile phones. Thus allowing us to be informed at the moment.

The other element that makes up the information and communication technologies are services. The range of services offered to us is ever larger: email, information search, online banking, electronic commerce, e-administration, e-government *, private services, leisure services, etc.

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